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Polish Apple Night


Following the opening of the Taiwanese market for Polish apples, the Polish Investment and Trade Agency Office in Taipei, National Support Centre for Agriculture and the Polish Office in Taipei jointly organized the first ever event which was aimed at promoting Polish apples in Taiwan - Polish Apple Night

Apple Night 1

During the event, representatives of Taiwanese authorities and businesses had a chance not only to learn about the business opportunities offered by the Polish fruit industry, but also to taste Polish apples on their own. We hope that our promotional campaign will contribute to the constant presence of Polish agricultural products both on the store shelves and in the hearts of Taiwanese consumers.During the event, representatives of Taiwanese authorities and businesses had a chance not only to learn about the business opportunities offered by the Polish fruit industry, but also to taste Polish apples on their own. We hope that our promotional campaign will contribute to the constant presence of Polish agricultural products both on the store shelves and in the hearts of Taiwanese consumers.


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