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Commemoration of the 3rd anniversary of the Russia’s aggression against Ukraine


Upamiętnienie 3 rocznicy agresji Rosji na Ukrainę

On February 24, on the third anniversary of Russia's attack on Ukraine, the Polish Office in Taipei organized an event to emphasize Poland's solidarity with Ukraine.

The event was inaugurated by speeches by the Director of the Polish Office in Taipei – Cyryl Kozaczewski, the Director of the European Economic and Trade Office (EETO) – Lutz Güllner, and a representative of the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine – Maria Makarovych.

Thanks to the courtesy of the National 228 Memorial Museum and the Warsaw Film School, the film "People" showing the tragedies of civilians affected by the war was premiered during the event. The screening ended with a Q&A panel with Piotr Gorszczyński – the film's editor.

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